
Below are images of protest actions and campaign activities organized by organizations under the Network Opposed to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant.

Nuclear myths used to hurry BNPP operation—Greenpeace warnsNuclear myths used to hurry BNPP operation—Greenpeace warnsNuclear myths used to hurry BNPP operation—Greenpeace warnsBNPP Bill 'sneaky,' out to create nuclear power program - Greenpeace plants tombstone at House of RepresentativesBNPP Bill 'sneaky,' out to create nuclear power program - Greenpeace plants tombstone at House of RepresentativesBNPP Bill 'sneaky,' out to create nuclear power program - Greenpeace plants tombstone at House of Representatives

BNPP Bill 'sneaky,' out to create nuclear power programBNPP Bill 'sneaky,' out to create nuclear power programDon't Break out Hearts: Stop the BNPP!Gathering of Anti-BNPP Veterans and AdvocatesSpeakersGathering of Anti-BNPP Veterans and Advocates

Atty Cora & Don GFDC Beckie MalayGP FrancisTorch ParadeGathering of Anti-BNPP Veterans and AdvocatesTorch Parade 2

Gathering of Anti-BNPP Veterans and AdvocatesGathering of Anti-BNPP Veterans and AdvocatesGathering of Anti-BNPP Veterans and AdvocatesFDCGreenpeaceStop BNPP

Hundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity message

Hundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity message

Hundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity message Hundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity message Hundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageHundreds form 'No to BNPP' solidarity messageAnti-BNPP Mobilization in BataanEcowaste Coalition says no to BNPP

Ecowaste Coalition says no to BNPPAnti-BNPP Mobilization in BataanAnti-BNPP Mobilization in BataanAnti-BNPP Mobilization in BataanAnti-BNPP Mobilization in BataanAsh Wednesday Mass against BNPP

Ash Wednesday Mass against BNPPAsh Wednesday Mass against BNPPFallout: the human cost of nuclear catastropheFallout: the human cost of nuclear catastropheFallout: the human cost of nuclear catastropheFallout: the human cost of nuclear catastrophe

Groups reveal names of pro-BNPP solons, call for withdrawal of endorsement for Lenten reflection of public good Groups reveal names of pro-BNPP solons, call for withdrawal of endorsement for Lenten reflection of public good Groups reveal names of pro-BNPP solons, call for withdrawal of endorsement for Lenten reflection of public good Groups reveal names of pro-BNPP solons, call for withdrawal of endorsement for Lenten reflection of public good Nuclear Free Bataan Movement Protest in CongressNuclear Free Bataan Movement Protest in Congress

Nuclear Free Bataan Movement Protest in CongressNuclear Free Bataan Movement Protest in CongressNuclear Free Bataan Movement Protest in Congress by Greenpeace Southeast AsiaJapanese bikers join Bataan anti-nuke drive by Greenpeace Southeast AsiaJapanese bikers join Bataan anti-nuke drive by Greenpeace Southeast AsiaJapanese bikers join Bataan anti-nuke drive by Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Japanese bikers join Bataan anti-nuke drive by Greenpeace Southeast AsiaNoel Cabangon with The Jerks by Greenpeace Southeast AsiaThe Jerks  by Greenpeace Southeast AsiaPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPP

Prayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPP Prayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPP Prayer Rally vs. the BNPPPrayer Rally vs. the BNPPNew comic book gets youth involved in environment issuesNew comic book gets youth involved in environment issuesNew comic book gets youth involved in environment issuesNew comic book gets youth involved in environment issues

One Response to “Images”
  1. maybe its nice if you can develop a widget so that filipino website or blog owners can insert that widget in their respective sites. the widget should also be a link to your site or maybe to a page that shows how can they further support the campaign.

    btw, i used one of your images but i linked it here back to your site. you may want to check it out. it’s in the right side bar, advocacies section.

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